Thursday, March 06, 2008

New men in my life and new obsessions

You guys remember all my secret Charlie gifts - right? Well, now, for the first time ever, I present to you the famous-up-until-now-unknown Charlie!

I don't want to brag or anything, but my friends make the cutest babies don't they? I mean, look at those cheeks! Charlie is growing fast and people are surprised to know that he is only three month's old. In fact, people think he is more like seven months old. More power to him! And better biceps for Michi, cause Charlie is an un
expected arm workout.

He was a little cranky that day, and I think it is
because he is not used to being around a Democrat. Apparently, Charlie's favorite toy is an elephant, which makes me think he needs some outside influence in his life.

Unfortunately, his auntie Lomes (and uncle Tones) are not able to hang out with him as much as we want, so I decided to send a permanent friend and LomesTones representative over to the Charlie household.

Meet donkey:

Donkey went to live with Charlie and will talk to him and hopefully influence him so he is ready to make his vote a few years from
now. Of course, if Charlie has such an influence in his life, we wanted to make sure that Ava was not without a donkey friend of her own. So another donkey went to live with her, and another one stayed with us. (mainly cause they are so darn cute, I really wanted one!)

Now, I do not like to openly talk about my political beliefs, or religious beliefs on my blog. I think everyone is entitled to their own view points (as long as they are democra
ts - haha - just kidding), and I am so stubborn about my viewpoints I would annoy people and not keep many friends. However, we need to go out there and vote (democratic :) ) and support the candidates as much as possible. We have such an opportunity to make our voices heard with each and every election, that I do want to encourage everyone to get out there and get involved.

Ms. pea has started a great group for Obama support
ers. (Yes, I am one). I am going to join this one, althought I do not think that I will be able to have a very creative contribution. If you are not an Obama supporter, I am sure there are venues out there for you to support your candidate, and I encourage you to do so.

Okay, I am off my soap box now... see, me, stepping down...

So here is my new (knitting) obsession. I saw this on General Hospital (ya, I watch, yougotaproblemwiththat?) and I cannot stop wanting to make it! UGhh I am so obsessed. I spent a few hours on ravelry looking for similar patterns and came up with this and this and this. Which one do you guys think is would be best? and what kind of yarn should I use to make sure that it is nice and soft and drapey like Carly on General Hospital (love the Carly by the way! She is one crazy ex-mob-wife-married-to-an-aussie (who almost left the show until Reese and I screamed NO INGO COME BACK) and I think she is brilliantly dealing with her son running away (becuase he shot his mob fathers girlfriend from couture magazine) while she is pregnant for the 3rd? 4th? 5th? time. Well, at least she looks great.

So tell me, what do you think?

And I will leave you with one more adorable pic:
(isn't michi the cutest? She insists on him wearing the sweater I made him even though it is now a cropped quarter sleeved cardi on his buddah belly. I love this kid!)

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Blogger fluffbuff said...

Ah, the unbearable cuteness!
Both baby and donkeys. :)

2:09 PM  
Blogger LG said...

Michi is the cutest you´re right!
And the donkeys are darn cute too!

I´m following the exicting head to head Hillary-Obama! You´re right all of you have to vote, to be part of it, to take that responsability!

About the pattern you´re looking for. I checked the three ones you found, but don´t see the drape you want. Have you seen my Assymmetrical Cardigan on Ravelry or in my blog? I got those drapes at the front.

5:43 PM  
Blogger spajonas said...

such a cute kid! and yeah, those buggers are a workout for the arms, let me tell you.

i heart the donkeys as well :)

6:30 PM  
Blogger f. pea said...

Ooh, I love that sweater too. I think the short-sleeved Drops would be best, and I know it's expensive, but can you just imagine in in Rowan CashSoft DK??????? I can. *sigh*

Charlie is SO BUDDHA CUTE! I want to squeeze him! And I need to find a way to bribe you to make me a donkey... love love love them.

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My little man is famous and he is so darn cute. I probably shouldn't say that, but I'm his mother... I should be his #1 supporter, right? Even though we did welcome "Diego, the donkey" into our home, he does still prefer his little elephant. Sorry, I think it's in the blood :)

8:05 AM  
Blogger Julia said...

I'm learning so much about the American political system these days! You vote if you're a registered Democrat, and then you vote again when a candidate is elected? Weird!
(Of course I'm sure you would find the Canadian system just as strange; "You have more than 2 polital parties? Weird!)

Check the phildar website for something like that sweater - I seem to recall something similar.

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I feel terrible about having made elephants instead of donkeys -- and in such an important political year, too! Fortunately my elephants went to solidly Democratic babies, so I think the other influences in their lives will outweigh the subliminal effects of the elephants. I hope!!!

9:49 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

He is the cutest!!!! Although Donkey is a close second in that contest!

3:33 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

Charlie is adorable! and okay i'm voting. for the second Drops pattern - the navy one. haven't seen this made by anyone but it looks surefire. as for yarn - i'd go a lightweight alpaca.

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a pattern with a similar front drape.

12:29 PM  

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